The Secret History of Public Latrines in Ancient Rome: The Fascinating Techniques Behind These Public Facilities - NEWS

The Secret History of Public Latrines in Ancient Rome: The Fascinating Techniques Behind These Public Facilities

In the center, there is an uncovered pool and the toilets are aligned along the walls. The columns surrounding the pool supported a wooden ceiling. There was a drainage system under the toilets.

Almost every Roman city had large public latrines, where many people – often 20 or more – could relieve themselves in remarkably opulent settings.

This video by toldinstone explores how the use, decoration, and (many) hazards of Rome’s latrines.

“Ostia public toilet,” which shows a well-preserved public latrine in Ostia’s Forum Baths

A line of timber seats was set over the drain, and in front was a gutter for the soldiers to wash the sponges which served them for lavatory paper.


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