The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513 Defensebridge - NEWS

The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513 Defensebridge

The story of the puzzling incident that allegedly happened to Santiago Flight 513 between 1954 and 1989 has been making rounds among the believers of the ‘supernatural’ for decades now and still, people aren’t sure of what to make of it.

According to an article published by tabloid Weekly World News in 1989, Santiago Airlines Flight 513 took off on September 4, 1954 from Aachen, West Germany and was scheduled to arrive in Porto Alegre, Brazil 18 hours later. 

However, the aeroplane simply disappeared mid-flight over the Atlantic Ocean. At the time of the disappearance, authorities believed that the plane had crashed and for the years to follow, multiple search parties were formed in order to look out for the remains of the passengers or the plane but nothing was found.

Time went by and decades passed. Santiago Airlines had already run out of business in 1956, just two years after the alleged disappearance and after failing to find even a single trace of evidence of a plane-crash, the search was called off.

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