Archaeological Marvel Unearthed: 2,800-Year-Old Pithoi Discovered at Van Çavuştepe Castle - NEWS

Archaeological Marvel Unearthed: 2,800-Year-Old Pithoi Discovered at Van Çavuştepe Castle

In the heart of Van, Turkey, a remarkable archaeological discovery has shed new light on the ancient Urartian civilization. Archaeologists have unearthed a collection of 120 pithoi, large storage vessels, dating back to the reign of Urartian King II. These vessels, each with a capacity of 300 kilograms, were used to store essential commodities such as grain, oil, and wine.

The discovery took place within the confines of Çavuştepe Castle, a fortress constructed under the rule of King Sardur II. The pithoi were found nestled within the castle’s structure, providing valuable insights into the economic and logistical systems of the Urartian society.

The significance of this find extends beyond mere material artifacts. It offers a glimpse into the sophisticated infrastructure and organizational prowess of the Urartian civilization, showcasing their advanced methods of food storage and distribution.

As researchers continue to analyze the contents and context of these ancient vessels, they hope to unravel further mysteries surrounding the daily life, trade networks, and societal dynamics of the Urartian people. This discovery stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of this enigmatic civilization and the ongoing quest to decipher its secrets.

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