Judge Pays Off Fine For Woman Living In Car & Eating One Meal A Day. - NEWS

Judge Pays Off Fine For Woman Living In Car & Eating One Meal A Day.

Judge Francesco ‘Frank’ Caprio often discusses his cases with Caught in Providence viewers, and last month he was seen ordering the defendant, who seemed to be named Medina, to stand.

Medina told the court that her vehicle had been booted, which meant she couldn’t drive it anymore, and that she was ‘going through a lot’.

YouTube/Caught In Providence

The defendant informed the court that she had been stalked, that she was homeless, and that she had taken refuge in her vehicle. Medina became distraught as she revealed that her vehicle had been stolen.

When questioned about her employment situation, Medina said that she had been jobless for a short time. She is now working in restaurants.

She was just hoping that she could work out a payment plan so that she could keep her car. And she is not sure whether her license has been suspended.

Medina was eating just one meal a day with barely $5 (£4) to her name, and Caprio said she had ‘gone through a lot’.

He imposed a $400 (£316) punishment, but clarified that $300 (£237) of the fee will be paid by the Filomena charity, a charity founded after Caprio’s mother that accepts contributions and enables the court to provide assistance at its discretion.

YouTube/Caught In Providence

The judge then offered Medina one month to pay the remaining $100 (£79), but he urged her to notify the court if she was unable to make the deadline and indicated that if her situation did not improve, he would arrange for the balance of the fine to be paid.

Caprio said that when she leaves here, her boot will be removed, and she will have her automobile. He added, it’s quite simple to be strict, but he attempts to take people’s circumstances into consideration.

Before releasing the defendant, the judge said that they are also going to arrange for $50 (£39) in cash, so she can get something to eat.

Caprio said that she now had something to smile about after the judge’s pronouncement, which left the defendant smirking.

The judge has received widespread acclaim for his acts, with many viewers stating that the world needs more individuals like him.


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