Meet one of the youngest aspiring police officers in Baltimore County - NEWS

Meet one of the youngest aspiring police officers in Baltimore County

One little girl named Laylah got to wear a police officer costume and meet real police officers! Laylah, who is only 3 years old, was playing dress-up when she ran into two Baltimore County Police Officers. They were nice enough to take a picture with her.

The Baltimore County Police Department said that Officers Lake and Honeycutt were the ones who took the picture with Laylah. They thought she was super cute!

Laylah’s dad, Jomal, said that she has been dreaming of being a police officer for a long time, even though she’s still very young.

“She started talking about being a police officer since she was 2,” said Jomal in a conversation on Facebook. Her father also says she came up with the idea to become a police officer on her own – there are no police officers in her family.

Laylah will have to wait a few years before actually becoming a police officer in Baltimore County. According to the Baltimore County Government website, she can become a cadet when she’s 18. If she’s really eager, she can apply to become a cadet when she’s 17.5 years old.


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